They should have had made the class more limited in who could play it as well. I love playing my monk, but like you I'm equally upset by the lack of lore surrounding it. That series' lore also explains how chi is used for bending abilities which fills the lore gaps in WoW nicely since they're both derivatives of the real-world Chinese philosophy of Qi. A waterbender's healing, a firebender's fire breathing or lightning bending, and an airbender's general fighting style all decently map onto mistweaver, brewmaster, and windwalker abilities respectively.

I think when Blizzard introduced the monk class and fleshed them out in Pandaria, they were trying to deliver the Avatar the Last Airbender's elemental bending fantasy without replicating shamans or infringing on intellectual property. Lots of transmog options with runes could help make this work too. The runemaster concept is accessible to a lot races with tatoo customizations and mages since that class's concept is all about inscribing runes on the body to access the arcane energy in leylines (looking at you Blood Elf, Nightborne, and Humans). Tauren or Dwarf monk (windwalker) is a runemaster. Kul'tiran monk (mistweaver) is a tidespeaker.ĭwarf monk (brewmaster) is a drunk who gets into barfights. For reinterpreting monk abilities to fit other class fantasies like: I imagine it is uniquely challenging for an undead monk to access their chi since their souls are imperfectly tethered to their bodies.

#Brewmaster monk abilities how to
Monk abilities are open to anyone spiritual enough to worship the August Celestials as Wild Gods/Ancients/Loa (so any druid race) as well as anyone who can access their own chi, an inner elemental force (any shaman race).Īlso Tauren brewmaster monks who worship Niuzao as their potential Wild God progenitor? I think Draenei, Vulpera, and Orcs fit the unarmed windwalker monk image as peoples who were enslaved and needed to learn how to fight without weapons or an external power source, like the Pandaren under Mogu rule. For an entire new topic that will contain spoilers, leave the spoilers out of the title and mark the post itself with the Spoiler tag (option in the create screen, or as a link after you create the thread).Note: Please don't leave spaces between the exclamation point and the text you are hiding.A chronological guide to Warcraft novels and mediaĭiscord - Join the >Lore of Warcraft serverhere!your message here!<